jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

Dear Stranger:
Woow, this is pretty hard haha, i mean, sometimes i wish you coluld get to knoow me better, and i don't know, it's pretty hard for me to be myself with you, guys!, it totally gives the shit out of me because even if there has been some time after i first met you you're still being a stranger and it's it takes a lot of time to be confortable so i can be myself completely, you know. There's the thing why i don't like you that musch ahha, you make me hate myself so much more than i already hate myself u.u, sorry, but that's the ugly truth. 
I really wish someday we could understand each other and know things about each other at the same time, because i think i can get to know strangers before they get to know me. but well i don't know, this is how things works in my sad life hahah, wish you the very best, stranger ;).

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